Asset Set Up

Step 1: Input Asset Details

Each Asset contains some crucial information that will be important to an insurance company to have such as model numbers and estimated cost. These details can be found on asset tags, which are typically located here

NEW: Ai Asset Tag Scan

Details for specific assets can often be small and take a while to find an input all their information, so instead you can take a picture of the asset tag and let our Ai system input the information for you!

Step 2: Upload Asset Specific Documents

Next you will upload documents that are specific to each asset. This is where the bulk of your document uploads are going to go. Common things are users upload are receipts, warranty information and any documents pertaining to recent maintenance that you've had on this item.

Step 3: Schedules Tasks for your Assets

Finally, it is important to keep your assets in proper condition for personal and insurance purposes. Here, you can add re-occurring tasks that will serve as reminders and proof that you have kept your items in good condition!

And that's it! At Property Hero we believe in doing things right the first time. By taking the time to set up your home thoroughly from the beginning, any fear of not be 100% covered is now alleviated. Now, let's get started!